Büyükelçinin Mesajı

Distinguished citizens, esteemed Tajik friends, and dear visitors,

As the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye, I have proudly assumed my duties in the friendly and brotherly country of Tajikistan since February 1, 2023.

On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest respect and gratitude to all our Ambassadors who have served in Dushanbe since 1992, and I wish Allah’s mercy upon those who have deceased.

Economy and trade will remain fundamental aspects of our bilateral relations. Türkiye, as one of Tajikistan's foremost foreign trade partners, has established a reliable position in the Tajik market through the quality of its products. As emphasized by our President, H.E. Erdoğan, during his visit to Dushanbe in 2019, our goal in this area is to increase our foreign trade volume to over 1 billion USD and attract more Turkish investors to the Tajikistan market.

Another important objective is to strengthen the connections between our peoples, encouraging more Tajik and Turkish tourists to visit each other's countries and fostering the development of potential in the field of tourism, as well as enhancing the sharing of experiences.

We are committed to being there for our citizens living in Tajikistan at all times, providing prompt solutions to their issues, and delivering consular services and protection in a fast and high-quality manner. These instructions have been entrusted to us by the Honorable Foreign Minister of Türkiye and are of utmost importance.

Furthermore, we prioritize strengthening unity and solidarity among our citizens in this friendly country and ensuring their continued ties with our homeland. Following our Embassy on social media platforms and contributing to our activities with your comments will bolster our work. You can reach us 24/7 using the contact information provided below.

Phone: +992 48 702 4100 (Embassy Secretariat); +992 48 702 4108 (Consulate Section); +992 93 999 6144 (Consulate Hotline/Consulate Emergency Phone)

Twitter:@TC_DusanbeBE Facebook:@TCDusanbeBE Instagram:@tc_dusanbebe

Our shared sentimental value, Rumi (Mevlana Jalal al-Din Muhammad), with his universal ideas, forms an inseparable part of the heartfelt bond and common heritage between the Turkish and Tajik peoples. As I assume my duties in 2023, which has been declared the year of Rumi in Turkey, commemorating the 750th anniversary of his passing, it will be our primary duty, myself and my team, to further strengthen our multidimensional relations with the strength of this spiritual heritage.

With these sentiments and thoughts, I extend my heartfelt greetings to all our citizens and the friendly Tajik people on behalf of myself, Embassy staff and the Embassy's affiliated units.




Monday - Monday

09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00

Visa application hours: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
1/1/2023 New Year's Day
3/8/2023 Mothers'/Women's Day
3/21/2023 2/25/2023 Newroz Festival
5/1/2023 International Workers' Day
5/9/2023 Victory Day
6/27/2023 National Unity Day
9/9/2023 Independence Day
10/5/2023 State Language Day
11/6/2023 Constitution Day
11/16/2023 President's Day
11/24/2023 Day of National Flag